Matrons of Honor:

Jodi Rocco and Jane Kunzweiler

Jodi and Jane are, of course, Anne’s older sisters. Anne’s neater, more graceful, and seemingly-somehow-more-together older sisters. As a child, Anne could often be seen following Jodi and Jane, wanting only to be allowed to tag along with “the big girls.” Even though they would routinely send her out to the sandbox to search for hours for a buried surprise that wasn’t actually there, she still loves spending time with them today. She figures they’ve made up for it through the years, as they have always and unfailingly remained her staunchest supporters and her strongest shoulders.

Jodi and Jane have long stood as Anne’s constant models for scholarship, friendship, and womanhood. Anne is honored to have her sisters stand with her on such a momentous day. No one else would do.

Best Men:

Gino Taylor and Cyril Lim

We met Gino and Cyril during our three-year stint in Chicago. As we settled into our comically tiny 350 sq. foot apartment there, we were excited to discover that we had landed next door to some pretty extraordinary neighbors. Our enormous cat, Jenkins, would often escape our apartment and run straight into theirs, much to Cyril’s dismay!

True world travelers, Gino and Cyril always have some amazing stories (and photos) to share. The four of us have shared game nights and opening nights, dinner parties and birthday parties, and countless cab rides, cups of coffee, and glorious and gluttonous meals. We value these two, our dearest friends, as both instigators and advisors. We are thrilled that they have recently moved to New York, and we are (as good as) neighbors once again!